Taras Mykhailovych,乌克兰捷尔诺波尔卡州捷尔诺波尔开发商
Taras is available for hire
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Taras Mykhailovych

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Ternopil, Ternopil's'ka oblast, Ukraine
Toptal Member Since
February 5, 2014

Taras的目标是使他的所有开发都优化、快速、安全和可靠. 他深入分析任务,只应用最适合并符合项目目标的技术.


NDA Client
MySQL, PHP, Redis, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Node.js, REST APIs, NGINX
Tactify (via Toptal)
Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Mongoose、MongoDB、ECMAScript (ES6)、Node.js...
Fluent Software Solutions Ltd (via Toptal)
JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Mongoose, Node.js




Preferred Environment


The most amazing...


Work Experience

Back-end Developer

2014 - PRESENT
NDA Client
  • Developed a REST API for a web back end.
  • 管理虚拟化、沙箱和Nginx和PHP的移植,以便在CodeShip上运行端到端测试.
  • 开发了审计和提供时间业务事件统计的算法.
  • 监督项目管理自动化的解决方案架构.
  • 使用Swagger UI实现REST API规范文档和演示.
  • Handled scaling with Docker containers.
  • Integrated Node.. js Harmony ES6基于函数式编程的模型/中间件到Mongoose和Express.js.
技术:MySQL, PHP, Redis, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Node.js, REST APIs, NGINX

Gimbal API Expert

2015 - 2016
Tactify (via Toptal)
  • Developed a Gimbal API callback endpoint.
  • 建立了一个合并算法来追踪ping和目击事件.
  • 为来自CSV的跟踪数据创建了导入系统.
  • 开发了用于管理用户、设备、信标和报告器的API.
  • 通过API和实时更新管理构建了一个带有统计图表视图的前端.
技术:Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Mongoose、MongoDB、ECMAScript (ES6)、Node.js, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, Amazon EC2, PM2, Socket.IO, Gimbal API, CSV

Freelance Developer

2015 - 2015
Fluent Software Solutions Ltd (via Toptal)
  • Developed authentication control.
  • Integrated service API logic into mockup HTML.
  • 开发了HTML控制特定教育的数据树结构,具有添加的能力, delete, edit, and drag-n-drop.
  • Fixed the service API, 包括添加错误处理和优化,并使其可扩展到计划的功能.
  • Built an item crowd rating system.
技术:JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Mongoose, Node.js

Senior Back-end Developer

2014 - 2014
Jobpath (Clevertech)
  • 作为高级后端开发人员领导团队,使用各种后端技术.
技术:Mocha, Web, LibreOffice, AddThis, Google Cloud, MongoDB, Node.js

Project Manager, Software Architect, Team Lead

2014 - 2014
Centrum Doradztwa Biznesowego
  • 在这家财务管理公司担任过各种职务, 所有这些都涉及广泛的责任.
技术:OpenShift, reCAPTCHA, WebRTC, MongoDB, Node.js

Systems Engineer

2013 - 2014
Nufern (Frontex)
  • Was responsible for web engineering.
  • 负责高负荷实时数据管理.
  • 负责算法开发和工程.
  • 通过Windows、Linux和iOS进行脚本化数据处理.
  • Worked with measuring and operating hardware.
Technologies: DTS, Subversion (SVN), C#.NET, Microsoft SQL Server,命令提示符(CMD), Sh, jQuery, MySQL, PHP, Web

Team Lead

2011 - 2014
捷尔诺波尔国立Ivan Puluj技术大学
  • Managed systems architecture.
  • Handled web and network security.
  • Conceived and developed a Node.js DMR ("Dependency-Middleware-RESTful").
  • Developed a web/Node.Js嵌入式视听科学会议平台.
  • Developed a web/Node.js real-time research presentation platform.
技术:SVG, WebRTC, WebSockets, MongoDB, Node.js, Web

PhD Student

2008 - 2014
捷尔诺波尔国立Ivan Puluj技术大学
  • Focused on water consumption modeling.
  • 研究了对水泵能耗审计硬件实时统计数据的处理.
  • 负责周期性自回归模型的开发.
  • 开发了一个用水量预测系统及其软件实现.
Technologies: Node.js, C

Java Developer/Engineer

2013 - 2013
LRN (Clevertech)
  • Was responsible for Oracle database management.
  • Worked with UI/UX.
  • Developed software architecture improvements.
  • 负责数据库查询优化.
技术:Oracle, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Java, Web

Systems Engineer

2005 - 2007
GainCapital Group (Magnis)
  • Worked as Database Architect.
  • Developed a web chart component.
  • Developed real-time tick data processing.
  • Handled statistics and data aggregation.
  • Handled mobile web development.
Technologies: Database Modeling

C#/M4 Developer

2004 - 2005
Modulus Financial Engineering (Magnis)
  • Customized an M4 Trading Platform.
  • 自定义StockChartX交易图表组件.
  • 开发了一个提供代理服务器的实时滴答图.
  • Developed a trading emulation system.
  • Developed C10k web applications.
技术:ActiveX, C, c++, StockChartX, Microsoft SQL Server, M4, c#.NET

Asynchronous JavaScript Class Frameworks

5 generations of Node.针对不同代ECMAScript设计的异步类哲学框架. 它们是esfunctional、samfic、es7frame和clasync. Esfunctional用promise -on-generators来模拟协同例程, 而clasync则使用了ECMAScript的async和functions的最新特性.


Mongoose插件允许在所有(包括静态)Mongoose操作的数据库API的内部直接包装器上使用“pre”和“post”挂钩. Along with this, 在GitHub存储库中有四个基于猫鼬钩子的插件, adding "createdAt" and "modifiedAt" timestamp fields to the document; ensure-indexes, allowing deletion of unused indexes and reindexing with changed options; custom-id, using 16-char base64 string representation instead of ObjectId; and revision, 为支持原始MongoDB方法的文档添加修订字段.



CDB-Lingvo (defunct)



A job seeking site for US Veterans.


A Node.js Mocha + PhantomJS E2E testing module.


TestLab plugin for AngularJS web applications.

Slack Web Info

一个Slack批量信息提供商,高度可扩展的节点.js module

Algorithms and Templates


Dependency-Middleware-RESTful Node.js Framework (discontinued)

使用命令式代码结构的ECMAScript异步类哲学的最早前身. A framework to expand the Node.js的“Express”和“EJS”模块,支持层次化的中间件结构,用于RESTful web开发.


HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, C, Assembler, PHP, Clojure, C#, ECMAScript (ES6), ARM Assembler, HTML, Assembler x86, XML, Machine Code, Pascal, SQL, Sh, C#.NET, M4, C++, HaXe, Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET), VBScript, Java


OpenCL, Unity, .. NET, ActiveX, JavaScript MVC, Unity3D, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), AJAX.OOP, Media Player, ADO.NET


OpenGL, Node.js, EJS, DirectX, WebRTC, WebGL, VK API, Mail.Ru API, Facebook API, pcap, LibC, HTTP API, HTML5 Canvas, Web Worker, LocalStorage, jQuery, Socket.IO, Gimbal API, REST APIs


Model View Controller (MVC), Distributed Computing, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming, Parallel Computing, Cross-platform, Extreme Programming, Asynchronous Programming, Class-based OOP, Prototype-based OOP, Dataflow Programming, Event-driven Programming, Logic Programming, MapReduce, Distributed Programming, Procedural Programming, Rapid Application Development (RAD), Iterative Development


Linux, LAMP, Embedded Linux, Win32, Oracle Database, Red Hat Linux, Ubuntu, CentOS, NVIDIA CUDA, Windows, Web, Oracle, OpenShift, Amazon EC2, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Salesforce


NoSQL, SQL Anywhere, Redis, PostgreSQL, Vertica, Firebird, Oracle SQL, InnoDB, Database Performance, Database Modeling, Azure Active Directory, MongoDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Google Cloud, Elasticsearch

Industry Expertise

High-frequency Trading (HFT), Web Design


Ajax, GNU, Mathematics, Software Development, Single-page Applications (SPA), Illustration, 3D Modeling, Unix Shell Scripting, Network Programming, WebSockets, 3D Animation, Game Development, g++, Game Design, Icon Design, Image Processing, Regression Testing, Scientific Computing, TCP, UDP, Web Services, Web Server Development, WebKit, ICMP, Windows Services, AI Programming, Virtualization, X11, LDAP, Video Compression, Video Editing, Video Streaming, Web Development, Back-end Development, SVG, Command Prompt (CMD), SSH, StockChartX, reCAPTCHA, AddThis, Async/Await, Mathematical Modeling, Computer Science, CSV


Bitbucket, GDB, Terminal, Blender, Windows Installer, Vim Text Editor, Redmine, Make, Canvas 2D, Git, C++Builder, Subversion (SVN), DTS, LibreOffice, Mocha, Geany, RabbitMQ, Mongoose, PM2, V8, NGINX

2008 - 2014

Ph.D. in Mathematical Modeling

捷尔诺皮尔Ivan Puluj国立技术大学-捷尔诺皮尔,乌克兰

2007 - 2008

Master's Degree in Computer Science

捷尔诺皮尔Ivan Puluj国立技术大学-捷尔诺皮尔,乌克兰

2003 - 2007

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

捷尔诺皮尔Ivan Puluj国立技术大学-捷尔诺皮尔,乌克兰