Stojan Ilic, Developer in Niš, Serbia
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Stojan Ilic

Verified Expert  in Engineering

JavaScript Developer

Niš, Serbia
Toptal Member Since
December 24, 2018

Stojan is a JavaScript developer with over 15 years of experience in IT development. Back when Flash was popular, he worked for over a decade as a full-time ActionScript developer as well. He has a solid grip on the history of computer technology as well as a sharp eye on present and future trends.


Material UI, Webpack, Mongoose, MongoDB, Three.js, React, Git, Node.js...
VideoJam, Ltd.
SlimerJS, Jenkins, Node.js, Go, AngularJS, React, Webpack, Flash ActionScript...
TweenMax, Git, Subversion (SVN), Browserify, Gulp, React, Starling, JavaScript...




Preferred Environment

Node.js, JavaScript, Sublime Text, Linux, Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...

...project I've developed is an interactive online CV generator that prepare a final PDF file on the client side based on user answers.

Work Experience

JavaScript Developer

2018 - 2019
  • Worked on a system where the user can walk through the 3D world and interact with elements. The user can also draw anything in a layer over the 3D world or a popup image. In Node.js, I wrote the back-end system where the user can manage other users, upload 3D models, and make a connection between users and models.
Technologies: Material UI, Webpack, Mongoose, MongoDB, Three.js, React, Git, Node.js, JavaScript

JavaScript and ActionScript Developer, Product Owner

2015 - 2018
VideoJam, Ltd.
  • Wrote a VPAID script that supports RTB (real-time bidding). Script communicates with our back-end system, search for the best ad, control playback of that ad, send analytics pixels etc. I added support for other VPAID, VAST, or MRAID standards.
  • Developed a video player that the customer can use to play their own videos, with our ads inside. The player can be customized by customer. The player uses our VPAID module for playing ads. If the user doesn't specify, the player will decide what is better to use: Flash or HTML5.
  • Built an admin panel system where the customer can enter custom VAST/VPAID links, check analytics, and specify permissions, price, and limits for each ad link. First we started with AngularJS (v1), but after few weeks we rewrote the complete admin panel system in React.
  • Wrote a small script first in Golang and then in Node.js that can on request download for some video ad file, start FFmpeg to convert a video file to images (sprite sheets), and return back to the client list of images that can be played even if user disables autostart on mobile devices.
Technologies: SlimerJS, Jenkins, Node.js, Go, AngularJS, React, Webpack, Flash ActionScript, JavaScript

Senior ActionScript and JavaScript Developer

2013 - 2015
  • Worked in an external team for one AQKA project for their client. I developed one grid component and text editor for SiteCore CMS that allows designers to easily edit and rearrange content on their site. I used only vanilla JavaScript.
  • Worked in an external team for developing a BBDO admin panel system for an official site.
Technologies: TweenMax, Git, Subversion (SVN), Browserify, Gulp, React, Starling, JavaScript, Flex, Flash ActionScript

ActionScript Flash/Flex Developer

2006 - 2013
WhiteCity Soft
  • Worked on a strategy game for kids called Herotopia, where kids can walk through a 3D world, solve some problems/quests, earn points that can be used to customize their heroes, play some small games, chat with other kids in the same room, etc.
  • Worked as a front-end (ActionScript 3) developer in a platform for online editing and viewing newspapers. Publishers can add or edit text, images, video, and audio multimedia content. Viewers can read newspapers with nice animation of page turning, playing multimedia files, commenting on each article, etc.
  • Created interactive media players where music bands can create a playlist of their videos, customize the look of that player, and publish their channels in our system, that can be embedded into MySpace.
  • Created a platform for nutritionists to track their clients. Each client can choose one of the available nutritionists. The client is responsible to save each meal in the system. The nutritionist will save and send video for the user with advice on what to change.
  • Worked with designers on many Flash projects for different clients.
Technologies: Linux, Subversion (SVN), Cairngorm, PureMVC, Flex, Flash ActionScript


Docuplayer is an online tool for lawyers where they can explain their documents with voice and screen sharing. After that, users who have permission can send comments to shared videos.

I worked as a full-stack developer using Node.js, React, Express.js, MySQL, Stripe API, ScreenCastOMatic API, DigitalOcean (droplet + space) with AWS API, Nagios, Fail2Ban, and LetsEncrypt. (Toptal Project)

I worked as a back-end developer for an audiobook mobile application developed by a Toptal client.

Tech stack: Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, AWS (EC2, S3, RDS, Amplify), Nginx (serving static content and simple load balancing), Cloudflare (DNS and CDN), Nagios (monitoring), and Terraform (automatization for one microservice instance). I also implemented integration with Google Play and iTunes payments.

OrePro Hub
OreControl Blasting Consultants Corp works on tools that provide the information for customers needing to make more informed decisions about grade control.

I implemented and modified a few components used for measurements and navigation in the 3D world.

JavaScript/Flash Module for Real-time Ad Bidding

For VideoJam, Ltd., I created a JavaScript and Flash module that can communicate with the server and search in real time for the best ad. For the RTB (real-time bidding) component, I used pure JavaScript and ActionScript, which supports switching between different ad formats: VAST, VPAID, MRAID.

Everything is also wrapped into one video player that can play any video file that the browser supports, with VideoJam ads.

Online CV Generator
Online CV Generator is a Flash-based online application that helps users write their resume easily. Everything in the application is done on the client side, including uploading a profile image, generating a PDF file, and downloading it to the computer.

InnMenu – Tablet Restaurant Menu

InnMenu is an application intended to replace the standard (paper) menu in restaurants with a new, digital menu. The application is written in AdobeAIR.
I used Go with a MySQL database for an online server that is used for menu customization.

The application is available for Android:


Herotopia is a 3D strategy game for kids. I worked in a team with two ActionScript developers. Kids go through a 3D world where they can change some famous world locations (London, New York, Beijing). The game has a lot of smaller games and tasks that kids need to solve. While playing the game, kids earn tokens, and with the tokens, they can customize their heroes. Development: 5+ years.


JavaScript, ActionScript 3, Flash ActionScript, Go, TypeScript, GraphQL, HTML5


Object-oriented Design (OOD), MVC Design, Unit Testing, Dependency Injection, Agile Software Development, Functional Programming, E2E Testing


PureMVC, Flex, Cairngorm, TweenMax, AngularJS, Material UI, Express.js, RobotLegs


React, Node.js, AWS Amplify, Starling, MobX, Three.js


JavaScript Debugging, Gulp, Fiddler, Adobe Flash, Adobe AIR, Git, GitHub, Terraform, Nagios, Sublime Text, Browserify, SlimerJS, Mongoose, Webpack, Subversion (SVN), Jenkins


ESLint, VAST, VPAID, Videos


Amazon EC2, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Eclipse, Docker, Linux


PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MySQL, MongoDB

2011 - 2013

Professional Engineer of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science in Communication Technologies

College of Applied Technical Sciences - Nis

1997 - 2009

Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Advanced Technical School - Nis

1993 - 1997

Technical High School Diploma in Computer Programming

Nikola Tesla Electrotechnical School - Nis, Serbia

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