Hamza Ali Taş, Developer in Istanbul, Turkey
Hamza is available for hire
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Hamza Ali Taş

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Istanbul, Turkey
Toptal Member Since
December 21, 2021

Hamza是一名全栈开发人员,在软件工程原理以及构建和管理专注于关键任务产品的跨职能团队方面经验丰富. 他的工作领域包括按需电子商务应用, IoT with big data applications, multiplayer games, and SaaS products. He is an expert in Go, Node.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and Redis. Hamza is also interested in container technologies, cloud services, software architecture, and distributed systems.


Freelance Agency
Vue, Nuxt.js, Java, Hystrix, React, JavaScript,全栈,前端,后端
JavaScript, TypeScript, React Native, Android, iOS, Fastlane, Mobile
iUGO Technology
Go, React, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Redis, NATS, Microservices, Docker...




Preferred Environment

Windows, Linux, JetBrains

The most amazing...

...我和一个小团队开发的产品是一个工业MES物联网产品,使用开源技术为福特等客户提供服务, Fiat, Pladis, and Boeing.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2020 - PRESENT
Freelance Agency
  • 构建了一个可视化的GraphQL UI浏览器原型和一个API构建器,供内部和第三方开发人员集成到GraphQL API中.
  • Maintained and developed API team-specific services, gateways, load balancers, and middleware microservices.
  • 在公共GraphQL模式中实现了细粒度字段授权.
  • 帮助其他内部团队学习并向公共GraphQL API公开他们的API服务, using internally developed DSL.
  • 构建通用的、可嵌入的GraphQL浏览器web组件.
Technologies: Vue, Nuxt.js, Java, Hystrix, React, JavaScript,全栈,前端,后端

React Native Developer | Consultant

2020 - 2020
  • 构建一个跨平台的React Native应用程序,并使用新设计迁移遗留实现.
  • 使用React Native的内置样式系统,创建了一个小的样式和主题库.
  • 使用Fastlane为Android和IOS开发自动化构建管道.
  • 实现与区块链网络和第三方api的连接.
技术:JavaScript, TypeScript, React Native, Android, iOS, Fastlane, Mobile

Lead Back-end Engineer | Consultant

2020 - 2020
iUGO Technology
  • 维护和现代化遗留后端服务,并为新产品创建后端结构, using Go, GraphQL, microservices, and PostgreSQL.
  • 在软件质量、测试、部署、容器、React和Go方面指导所有团队成员. 集成质量工具,用于检查、测试、提交检查和严格的书面审查规则.
  • 使用TimescaleDB特定于时间序列的数据库结构优化了传统车辆行程报告, performed query optimizations in Cassandra, and refactored the logic bottlenecks.
  • 使用Docker、Docker Swarm和Portainer构建软件交付管道. 自动部署本地服务和云.
  • 脚手架式初始拼车移动应用架构, using TypeScript and React Native, built authentication, internalization, GraphQL, APIs, and state management layers.
  • 指导其他React开发团队成员使用React Native、TypeScript和GraphQL编写代码.
Technologies: Go, React, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Redis, NATS, Microservices, Docker, Docker Swarm, Cassandra, GraphQL, JavaScript, SQL, React Native, Mobile, iOS, Android, Apollo

Senior Software Engineer

2019 - 2020
  • Contributed to R&D projects for software quality, testing, and development processes as a full-stack developer, using React, NestJS, and MySQL.
  • 将传统Jenkins CI系统更新为Jenkins管道版本,为团队配置CI/CD管道提供了更大的灵活性.
  • Built an interview process for a senior Node.Js开发人员分为三个阶段,并对开发人员进行了现场编码面试.
  • 尝试使用Elm和NestJS等最新技术来维护和测试新的基础项目.
Technologies: React, Elm, Node.js、MySQL、Redis、Docker、NestJS、TypeScript、JavaScript、SQL

Solutions Architect | Senior Software Engineer

2018 - 2019
  • Maintained, developed, and deployed a complex Node.js MES IoT back end with SQL, RabbitMQ, and Redis for enterprise clients such as Ford, Pladis, and Boeing (Kale Havacılık).
  • Handled client requests, planned development, 并领导工厂的软硬件设置和部署. 与工厂工程师合作,集成软件并为特定需求创建定制解决方案.
  • 管理和构建由七名成员组成的前端、后端和算法团队.
  • Coordinated web front-end migration from Angular v1.从MySQL迁移到PostgreSQL的时间序列功能.
  • 通过采用容器技术建立管道,并使用Kubernetes从PM2迁移到Docker.
  • 通过调整lint提高了软件质量和开发人员的经验, formatting, commit lint, and automated test environments. 为测试和演示目的创建了相同的开发环境.
  • 使用Node集成了多台plc, cnc和其他生产机器.js, C, Go, and Docker.
Technologies: Node.. js, React, PostgreSQL, Redis, GraphQL, Angular, MySQL, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, JavaScript, SQL

Node.js Back-end Developer

2017 - 2018
  • Maintained and improved Node.js back-end services with MongoDB, Redis, and RabbitMQ.
  • Created internal libraries for tracing, logging, 以及测量Getir快递和交付系统中的事件,以进行优化和调查.
  • 集成Grafana后端数据可视化分析,并抓住了几个严重的性能瓶颈.
  • 将应用内产品搜索迁移到Elasticsearch,以获得广泛而可靠的产品搜索结果.
  • Used RabbitMQ, Redis, and Node.js to migrate periodic payment and billing jobs to AWS.
Technologies: Node.. js、MongoDB、Redis、TypeScript、RabbitMQ、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Docker、Grafana、JavaScript

Software Engineer

2014 - 2017
  • Built an IoT platform with Node.js和React为迪拜的一个客户在建筑领域的油箱管理.
  • 为一家总部位于土耳其的全球私人飞机租赁公司用Java开发了一个电子商务Android应用程序.
  • 使用React和Node创建了一个带有管理仪表板的库存和零售货架管理电报聊天机器人.js for a local enterprise packaged food company.
  • 用React构建了一个停车场管理的用户界面. This was done for a funded startup.
Technologies: Node.js、React、MongoDB、Redis、Java、c#、Android、Unity、JavaScript、SQL、Amazon Web Services (AWS)


一个开源的管理UI为Patroni分布式PostgreSQL管理器,使创建和删除节点只需点击一下. It also makes it easier to reconfigure instances.

我已经使用Go作为Patroni集群和React与Material-UI之间的中间件过程构建了应用程序,用于管理视图. The project is still in development.


GraphQL, JavaScript, Go, TypeScript, SQL, Python, Erlang, c++, C, Java, Elm, c#


React, Node.js, Vue, Hystrix


Docker, Linux, Windows, Kubernetes, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Android, iOS, Mobile


Full-stack, Back-end, Front-end, NATS, Apollo


React Native, Nuxt.js, NestJS, Angular, Unity


JetBrains, RabbitMQ, Grafana, Jupyter, Docker Swarm, Fastlane




PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Cassandra, MySQL

2013 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

Istanbul Technical University - Istanbul, Turkey