Bogdan Beca, Developer in Bucharest, Romania
Bogdan is available for hire
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Bogdan Beca

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Architect and Developer

Bucharest, Romania
Toptal Member Since
May 4, 2021

Bogdan has 20+ years of hands-on experience with enterprise-level systems, delivering tens of large projects for top organizations in energy, pharma, telco, eCommerce, banking, and the public sector. As a solutions architect, Bogdan can drive a solution from concept to production or provide end-to-end POCs (or MVPs) regarding solution architecture, design, development, and release pipelines.


Ares Software Srl
Azure, Machine Learning, Master Data Management (MDM), Enterprise Architecture...
JT International S.A. - Main
Azure PaaS, Azure, Solution Architecture...
Azure, Oracle, Machine Learning, Master Data Management (MDM)...




Preferred Environment

SQL, Azure, Azure Synapse, .NET Core

The most amazing...

...recent project (MVP) was a global PIM for a large eCommerce ecosystem. I did event-driven architecture and workflow-based, multidimensional async dispatching.

Work Experience


2003 - PRESENT
Ares Software Srl
  • Fulfilled diverse roles for various contracting parties, including software engineering, solution architecture and design, data architecture and design, core development, prototyping, and software development.
  • Successfully implemented an end-to-end self-organizing map (SOM) neural network product, Ares Vega AI.
  • Worked on the development of proprietary ML algorithms for SOM training, as well as U-matrix generation, hierarchical clustering, and segmentation.
Technologies: Azure, Machine Learning, Master Data Management (MDM), Enterprise Architecture, Solution Architecture, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, ETL, Data Analysis, Oracle PL/SQL, Synapse, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Spark, Databases, Database Transactions, Data Migration, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), SaaS, Stored Procedure, Data Pipelines, .NET, Data Architecture, Data Engineering, OLTP, OLAP, Azure SQL, UML, JavaScript, Azure Cognitive Services, Microsoft Graph, Microsoft Power BI, Data Modeling, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Database Design, Azure Synapse, Azure PaaS, CRM APIs, APIs, OpenCL/GPU, Azure Data Lake, Azure DevOps, Visualization, .NET MAUI, C#, ELT, Data Management, Azure API Management, Common Data Service, Azure Active Directory, Azure Functions, Performance Tuning

Solutions Architect

2021 - 2023
JT International S.A. - Main
  • Participated in high-level design and ensured EA governance for JTI Digital Ecosystem.
  • Evaluated enterprise fitness for new technology adoption by providing POCs or MVPs on specific topics. Developed guidelines and best practices for future technology use.
  • Served as a solution architect in strategic projects and major global initiatives.
Technologies: Azure PaaS, Azure, Solution Architecture, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), APIs, Azure Synapse, eCommerce, Product Information Management (PIM), ELT, Synapse, .NET Core, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Analysis, Spark, Databases, Database Transactions, SaaS, Stored Procedure, Data Pipelines, SQL, Data Architecture, ETL, Data Engineering, Enterprise Architecture, Azure SQL, UML, JavaScript, Microsoft Graph, Microsoft Power BI, Data Modeling, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), CRM APIs, Azure Data Lake, Azure DevOps, Visualization, C#, Data Migration, Azure API Management, Common Data Service, Azure Active Directory, Azure Event Hubs, Azure Functions, Azure Cosmos DB, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning

Senior Consultant

2016 - 2021
  • Architected the solution, created the data architecture, and designed an enterprise COTS implementation for an energy client.
  • Implemented and designed a complex ML implementation for oil and gas production forecasting.
  • Designed the API and contributed to the development of Azure and hybrid deployment.
Technologies: Azure, Oracle, Machine Learning, Master Data Management (MDM), Enterprise Architecture, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), Solution Architecture, Microsoft SQL Server, ETL, Data Analysis, Microsoft Power BI, Data Modeling, Database Design, ELT, Synapse, .NET Core, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Spark, Data Management, Databases, Data Warehousing, Database Transactions, Data Migration, SaaS, PL/SQL, Stored Procedure, SQL, Data Architecture, Data Engineering, OLTP, OLAP, UML, ArcGIS, Oracle PL/SQL, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Azure PaaS, APIs, Azure Data Lake, Visualization, C#, Azure Active Directory, Azure Functions, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning, Microsoft Excel

Solution Architect | Developer Lead | Consultant (Contractor)

2017 - 2020
Strategikon Pharma
  • Architected, designed, and handled the core development for a high-performance online transaction processing (OLTP) system on Azure platform-as-a-service (PaaS) for ERP architecture.
  • Designed and advised on the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and operational processes and practices.
  • Led the development of SQL implementation and API integration.
Technologies: Azure, Enterprise Architecture, Solution Architecture, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Graph, Azure SQL, Data Modeling, Database Design, Synapse, .NET Core, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Analysis, Data Management, Databases, Database Transactions, SaaS, Stored Procedure, SQL, Data Architecture, ETL, Data Engineering, OLTP, OLAP, Master Data Management (MDM), UML, JavaScript, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Azure PaaS, CRM APIs, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), APIs, Azure DevOps, Visualization, C#, Data Migration, Azure Active Directory, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning

Operational Architect

2013 - 2016
  • Contributed to all business IT initiatives from early demand to validating feasibility, evaluating risks, and proposing architectural scenarios; directly involved, hands-on, in strategic projects.
  • Served in a key position during a fragile process, working in all IT-related activities. Defined the architectural change requests and aligned the architecture lifecycle with portfolio management.
  • Defined, guided, and controlled the enterprise integration architecture; also defined and maintained the reference architectures and guidelines.
  • Architected, designed, and implemented the core of an incremental production DSS solution. It involved highly complex analytics for well work over efficiency calculation and decision support.
  • Created the core of an electrical lines asset management and risk-based inspection solution. It involved inventory with linear referencing, functional parameters monitoring and reporting, and risk calculations for inspection optimization.
  • Built the technical foundation of a digital oil field (DOF) program; it involved ~4,000 sites with automation/instrumentation, five SCADA systems, data virtualization, several large operational systems, a master data store, and several data marts.
  • Developed the RBI and pipeline integrity management solution. It involved a massive inventory of pipelines and flowlines (200,000 KM) with linear referencing, avg. of 120 parameters per class, complex risk calculations, and inspection optimization.
  • Designed and prototyped a high-performance operational data store for operational integrations, based on data virtualization and in-memory caching.
  • Architected the solution and implemented it for intelligent well-status calculations (replacing the existing "if-else" approach with a relational mask of ~2,500+ business rules complemented by automatic discovery from transition history).
Technologies: TOGAF, ITIL, UML, Master Data Management (MDM), Solution Architecture, Oracle, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), ArcGIS, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), ETL, Data Engineering, Microsoft Power BI, Data Modeling, Database Design, .NET Core, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Analysis, Data Management, Databases, Data Warehousing, Database Transactions, Data Migration, SaaS, PL/SQL, Stored Procedure, SQL, .NET, Data Architecture, OLTP, OLAP, Enterprise Architecture, Machine Learning, Oracle PL/SQL, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Azure PaaS, APIs, Visualization, C#, ELT, Azure Active Directory, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning, Microsoft Excel

Data Architect (Contractor)

2012 - 2013
  • Architected and designed the data marts and aggregation strategy for the national pension system.
  • Defined the legacy data migration strategy for all legacy pension data scattered on various digital persistence formats.
  • Designed and implemented the smart input automatic adapting ETL with “complexity compression."
  • Designed and implemented and industrial printing solution for pension payslips (template-based ASCII generation).
Technologies: Master Data Management (MDM), ETL, Data Engineering, Data Analysis, Data Modeling, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Management, Databases, Data Warehousing, Database Transactions, Data Migration, PL/SQL, Stored Procedure, SQL, Oracle, Data Architecture, OLTP, Enterprise Architecture, Solution Architecture, UML, Oracle PL/SQL, Database Design, APIs, Visualization, C#, ELT, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning, Microsoft Excel

Solution Architect | Developer (Contractor)

2012 - 2012
  • Design and developed a workflow engine/process orchestrator.
  • Participated in CRM data modeling by reversing a legacy CRM implementation.
  • Contributed to the design of the enterprise integration solution with surrounding operational systems (ERPs, a billing system); worked on ETL prototyping for Microsoft stack integrations.
Technologies: Oracle, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), OLTP, Solution Architecture, Microsoft SQL Server, ETL, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Analysis, Data Management, Databases, Data Warehousing, Database Transactions, Data Migration, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), PL/SQL, Stored Procedure, SQL, .NET, Data Architecture, OLAP, UML, Data Modeling, Oracle PL/SQL, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Database Design, CRM APIs, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), APIs, Visualization, C#, ELT, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning

Operational Architect

2008 - 2011
  • Defined, guided, and controlled the enterprise integration architecture; also defined and maintained the reference architectures and guidelines.
  • Built an operational support system for well work over an intervention system (ERP); it involved high-level solution architecture, prototyping the integration with MDS & SAP PM, defining the reporting/aggregation strategy, complex, analytics and KPIs.
  • Implemented the MDM, which required refining and aligning a master data management concept for all E&P systems, defining and designing an MDS reference architectural framework using SOA, and technical project management.
  • Built an effective log management system, which involved defining the draft architecture and prototyping, designing the MDS integration, and designing and specifying the solution for offline large E&P logs loading/management over low bandwidth connections.
  • Led the planning of portfolio and acreage management in Austria, overseeing data modeling for acreage (commercial fields) and reserves/opportunities management. Managed the solution architecture and design.
  • Oversaw the architecture and design for the E&P subsurface master data store.
Technologies: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SharePoint API, OLTP, Master Data Management (MDM), Solution Architecture, ETL, Data Engineering, Data Analysis, Data Modeling, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Management, Databases, Data Warehousing, Database Transactions, Data Migration, SaaS, PL/SQL, Stored Procedure, SQL, .NET, Data Architecture, OLAP, Enterprise Architecture, UML, ArcGIS, Oracle PL/SQL, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Database Design, APIs, Visualization, C#, ELT, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning, Microsoft Excel

Solution Architect | Business Analyst (Contractor)

2006 - 2008
  • Led the analysis, design, and implementation of a web application for well header data gathering (a temporary data gathering tool for data consolidation).
  • Migrated the legacy production data which involved risk analysis, defining the migration strategy, bespoke ETLs with Oracle and .NET, and iterative QC support and heuristic matching; it recovered 97.3% of the original data (~1 billion records).
  • Analyzed the well lifecycle which required a business analysis to assess IT-relevant WLC process, deliverables, and activities, interviews with businesses in the field, and re-engineering recommendations for optimizing well-status transitions.
Technologies: BPM, Oracle, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), Master Data Management (MDM), Solution Architecture, Microsoft SQL Server, ETL, Data Engineering, Data Analysis, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Management, Databases, Data Warehousing, Database Transactions, Data Migration, SaaS, PL/SQL, Stored Procedure, SQL, Data Architecture, OLTP, OLAP, Enterprise Architecture, UML, ArcGIS, Data Modeling, Oracle PL/SQL, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Database Design, APIs, Visualization, C#, ELT, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning, Microsoft Excel

Process Engineer | Data Manager (Contractor)

2005 - 2006
PwC Romania
  • Supported the system architecture and provided data management expertise for SOX compliance preparation on behalf of a major local telco's IPO.
  • Worked as part of the process engineering team for a massive fixed-asset reconciliation project.
  • Developed a temporary fixed-asset solution for capturing fixed assets moving during the reconciliation process.
Technologies: COBIT, SOX, BPM, Data Analysis, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, SQL, Data Architecture, Enterprise Architecture, UML, C#, Microsoft Excel

Business Analyst | Database Designer | Developer (Contractor)

2003 - 2004
Telekom Romania
  • Handled a major telco's OSS implementation and designed the databases for some subsections.
  • Analyzed, refined, and formalized business requirements and changes with Rational Rose.
  • Developed integration workflows using Oracle advanced queuing and XML outlet feeds.
Technologies: Oracle, OLTP, BPM, ETL, Data Engineering, Data Analysis, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Management, Databases, Data Warehousing, Database Transactions, Data Migration, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), PL/SQL, Stored Procedure, SQL, Data Architecture, OLAP, UML, Data Modeling, Oracle PL/SQL, Database Design, CRM APIs, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), APIs, C#, ELT, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning

Solution Architect | Developer (Contractor)

2003 - 2004
Deuromedia, RO
  • Architected and designed a portfolio management solution for a US bank (outsourced development).
  • Developed the sore sections in .NET and designed and implemented the databases.
  • Provided technical project management in relation with business stakeholders.
Technologies: OLTP, OLAP, Microsoft SQL Server, Solution Architecture, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Analysis, Data Management, Databases, Database Transactions, Stored Procedure, SQL, .NET, Data Architecture, UML, JavaScript, Data Modeling, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Database Design, APIs, Visualization, C#, Data Migration, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning

Solution Architect | Developer (Contractor)

2003 - 2003
Transoft, NL/RO
  • Led the OLAP architecture, design, and implementation for an enterprise-retail back-end solution on the ARTS framework.
  • Developed with .NET the back-end processing services (Windows Services).
  • Performed complex aggregations and analytics for reporting (Oracle development).
Technologies: Oracle, OLAP, Solution Architecture, Data Engineering, Data Analysis, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Management, Databases, Database Transactions, PL/SQL, Stored Procedure, SQL, Data Architecture, ETL, UML, Data Modeling, Oracle PL/SQL, Database Design, CRM APIs, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), APIs, Visualization, C#, Data Migration, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning

Solution Architect

2002 - 2002
Medicarom, RO
  • Architected and developed a core SQL Server implementation of EPINET (national epidemiological survey system).
  • Coached and advised other projects on database design and integration.
  • Implemented in .NET a back-end notification engine.
Technologies: OLTP, Microsoft SQL Server, Solution Architecture, ETL, Data Engineering, Data Analysis, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Management, Databases, Database Transactions, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), Stored Procedure, SQL, Data Architecture, OLAP, UML, Data Modeling, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Database Design, APIs, Visualization, C#, Data Migration, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning

Solution Architect

2001 - 2002
Deuromedia, RO
  • Designed and developed a complex bandwidth management implementation (OLTP) for satellite broadcast and multicast solutions.
  • Supported multiple projects concerning solution architecture and database integration.
  • Prototyped the requirements of a new initiative for implementation feasibility.
Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, OLTP, Solution Architecture, Data Engineering, Data Modeling, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Analysis, Data Management, Databases, Database Transactions, Stored Procedure, SQL, .NET, Data Architecture, OLAP, UML, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Database Design, APIs, Visualization, C#, Data Migration, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning

Solution Architect | Developer

1999 - 2001
Euro Systems Development (US Offshore), RO
  • Led the architecture, design, and development of a DSS (decision support system) for a large telco operator based in the US.
  • Led the architecture, design, and development of a CRM for a relocation company in the US.
  • Served as a technical lead in all projects and provided technical project management.
Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Solution Architecture, Data Analysis, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Management, Databases, Data Warehousing, Database Transactions, Data Migration, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), PL/SQL, Stored Procedure, SQL, Data Architecture, .NET, ETL, Data Engineering, OLTP, OLAP, UML, Data Modeling, Oracle PL/SQL, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Database Design, CRM APIs, APIs, Visualization, C#, SQL Stored Procedures, Performance Tuning


1997 - 1998
Various Companies, RO
  • Implemented welding machine automation using Atmel microcontrollers.
  • Automated fuel pumps using Atmel microcontrollers.
  • Built a labeling system for medical prescription registration and printing.
Technologies: C, C++, Assembler

Global PIM

A global product information management (PIM) implementation that included

• Integration of a PIM SaaS (Akeneo) solution as a global PIM for multiple eCommerce systems (Magento);
• Event-driven asynchronous integration with Azure Functions;
• A complex routing schema for markets, environment types, channels, locales, and operations scopes (possibility to scale on hundreds of targets);
• Loosely coupled the design with an extensible configuration to allow heterogeneous eCommerce configurations.

Digital Ecosystem - GCC Integration

A multichannel global call-center integration with Lambda architecture: Synapse ADL –Snow JDBC high-performance channel for bulk transfer, APIM Snow API, and event-driven integration for real-time integration.

Office 365 Customer Insights CDM integration

A PoC for pipeline-based data processing of Azure Data Lake curated sources in CDM (Common Data Model) format with MS Spark CDM connector, followed by consumer data harmonization flows in Office 365 Customer Insights.

Enterprise Event-driven Toolkit and Industrialization

The initiative is part of event-driven integration standardization. It had a publisher/subscriber streamlined framework based on Azure Event Grid behind a managed API with a portal front end.
I implemented Azure Functions with managed identity impersonation, Azure Event Grid handshake abstraction, and event schema control.

SOM Neural Network
A general-purpose self-organizing map (SOM) platform that is currently under development. I developed proprietary ML and map-reducing algorithms for SOM unsupervised learning, U-matrix generations, hierarchical clustering, and hierarchical segmentation.

I used Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Azure Data Lake, Azure SQL Database, Azure Functions, .NET Core, OpenCL, Azure DevOps, Terraform, Vega charts, and .NET MAUI.

Clinical Maestro

This is an enterprise-level OLTP implementation for a pharma ERP. It's 100% transactional, has full data versioning, with auditing (any information can be traced and restored on request), a configurable formula engine, and high scalability.

ML Production Forecast

This is an oil-and-gas production forecast based on unsupervised learning and high-performance similarity matching. Included are algorithms for validation against overfitting.

It's been proven to be 15% more efficient than traditional forecasting on historical regressions.

Incremental Production DSS

This is a decision support system for work over incremental production. It involved a complex integration among operational systems, a master data store, SAP PM/PS, and SharePoint reports. It also has complex Oracle analytics for multicriteria forecasting, actual and planned time series using dynamic time series shifting, and trend identification.

Risk-based Inspection (RBI) and Pipeline Integrity Management (PIM)

This state-of-the-art RBI-and-PIM implementation uses a PODS standard model (pipeline open data standard) and ArcGIS for topological processing.

Key Features:
• Linear referencing (with engineering station points and station equations)
• GIS referencing
• Hundreds of parameters for monitoring each asset for quantitative and qualitative monitoring
• Dynamic segmentation
• FMECA (failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis) risk models for pipelines, flowlines, piping, and static equipment
• SAP PM and MM integration for automation inspection proposal

It has around 100 daily active users (integrity engineers and their teams). We presented the solution at the GITA Oil and Gas Pipeline Conference 2014, Houston, TX, as one of the largest and most complex PODS implementations worldwide.

Oil Field Manager

This is a specialized E&P information management solution that manages several master data marts and legacy data marts. It aggregates around 15 billion records in a daily aggregation window for several hundreds of licensed users.

E&P Master Data Management

This was a 10-year-long program where I implemented a massive MDS hub over a standardized E&P data model. This involved integrating a dozen operational, SAP PM, and consumer systems. It exchanges a couple of million master data daily with stringent master data rules; it remains at the core of enterprise operations.


SQL, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), C#, Stored Procedure, UML, JavaScript


.NET, .NET Core, TOGAF, Spark, COBIT


Azure Cognitive Services, Azure API Management, SharePoint API, ArcGIS


Synapse, Microsoft Graph, Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Excel


OLAP, ETL, Database Design, ITIL, Azure DevOps


Oracle, Azure, Azure Synapse, Azure PaaS, Azure Event Hubs, Azure Functions


Master Data Management (MDM), OLTP, Azure SQL, Oracle PL/SQL, Databases, Database Transactions, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), PL/SQL, SQL Stored Procedures, Data Pipelines, Azure Active Directory, Azure Cosmos DB


Enterprise Architecture, Solution Architecture, Data Architecture, Data Engineering, Data Modeling, APIs, Product Information Management (PIM), Azure Data Lake, ELT, Data Analytics, Complex Data Analysis, Data Analysis, Data Management, Data Warehousing, Data Migration, SaaS, Performance Tuning, BPM, Machine Learning, OpenCL/GPU, Visualization, .NET MAUI, SOX, CRM APIs, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), eCommerce, Common Data Service, Customer Insights

1996 - 2001

Licensed Engineer (Master Degree Equivalent Following the Bolognia Standard) in Electronics and Computer Science

Transilvania University - Brasov, Romania

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